DKX 2017 Race Schedule
- February 14-16 Early Registration Special opens to past participants
- February 17 Standard Registration opens
- May 22 late registration opens if race not full
- May 29 Memorial Day and last day to register (by midnight) for Diamond Kid if not sold out sooner. Also Blue Diamond Pool opens for residents and guests of residents. Email Sheila for info.
- May 28-June 3, 1 week FREE bike check This week at Las Vegas Cyclery (215/Town Ctr.). It is very important that you have a safe race, so please get your bike checked. There are steep hills in Blue Diamond, so your gears and brakes must be working properly and helmets must fit and strap on correctly or you will be disqualified and unable to race.
- June 8 Last Day of CCSD 9 Month Schools: Happy Summer Break!
- Now-June 9, pre-ride the course. Feel free to pre-ride the course in Blue Diamond anytime preceding the race. If you are not used to biking up and down steep hills, this is highly recommended. The course will not be fully marked until Saturday morning, so feel free to print off course maps from the website, and/or ask the locals.
- Friday, June 9, 1:00-7:00 pm MANDATORY Packet Pick-up and body marking for parent and child, at Las Vegas Cyclery. 10575 Discovery Drive, Las Vegas, NV 89135 (corner of 215 and Town Center). CHILD ATHLETE MUST BE PRESENT FOR BODY MARKING and PARENT/GUARDIAN MUST BE PRESENT TO SIGN WAIVER. Also, bring a $2 minimum donation for the Blue Diamond Recreation Association charity fundraiser which will pay for your parking pass.
Saturday, June 10,
Race Day!
- 6:00-7:00 a.m. parking. display your mandatory parking pass in the window that you get the day before at packet pick up
- 6:30 – 7:30 a.m. check-in, timing chips, body marking, bike check, transition set up
- 7:30 roll call at the pool for the triathletes and at the start line for the runners. Triathletes will be called into the pool area by age group.
- 7:45 athlete line up and rules (triathletes in pool and runners on road)
- 8:00 a.m. race start (both triathlon swimmers and fun run runners), fun run and long course start first, followed by parent assist and short course. If every athlete is present, we will start early.
- 10:00 a.m. awards ceremony
- for more updates, go to