In order to make the Diamond Kid Junior Triathlon a fun and safe event, the following are some rules and precautions for athletes and their parents/guardians to keep in mind:
Bike Helmets
Bike helmets must be worn and buckled during the bike portion of the event, including when in the Transition Area. Helmets must comply with either CPSC, SNELL or ANSI standards as indicated by a label on the inside. Parents/guardians must assure that the helmet fit is proper for the athlete. Athletes will not be allowed to race with a helmet and disqualified if they race without fastening the straps before they leave transition. A limited number of helmets will be available for purchase at the LVC bike shop tent.
This is a hilly course. Parents/Guardians are encouraged to take the athlete’s bike to a qualified shop for inspection and adjustment prior to the Kids Triathlon. The bike inspection at the event is only for basic functioning of brakes and steering, and is no substitute for inspection by a qualified mechanic. There will be no time for repairs. Attention should be paid to brakes, steering, wheels, inflation pressure, tire condition, chain, and pedals. Pedals should be inspected for sharp edges and appropriate measures taken (such as duct taping) to prevent cutting injuries should the pedals hit the athlete’s legs. The openings at the ends of the handle bars must be securely plugged. “Bar Ends” (plastic caps) can be purchased at any bike shop and will be available for purchase at the bike shop tent. This is a safety item in the event of a fall. Bikes with unplugged handle bar ends will not be allowed in the triathlon. All bikes will be inspected.
All athletes should be comfortable in the water. Swim aids such as kickboards and floaties will be allowed (see event policies) and in some cases adults will be permitted to assist children. However, it is our belief that each athlete should be capable of safely swimming the designated distance with no or minimal assistance. Fins are not allowed as they provide a time advantage, except in the Parent-Assist category. Only parents/guardians in this category will be allowed in the pool. Swim caps are optional and available at the bike shop tent.
Parents/guardians should assure that the athlete has footwear that is suitable for running the designated distance. To avoid tripping, the athlete should be able to properly tie his/her shoes, preferably using double knots, or by using speed laces or velcroe. A limited number of speed laces will be available at the bike shop tent.
Sun Protection
Due to the wave start, many athletes will have to wait before beginning of the event. Similarly, after the finish athletes may choose to wait for the results to be posted. Parents/guardians should provide appropriate sun protection in the form of sunscreen and clothing. There are plenty of shade trees in the park, but racers should not count on shade for most of the bike course and part of the run.
Athlete Health
Parents/guardians should assure that the athlete is in a physical condition that will permit him/her to participate in the event without jeopardizing his/her health or that of other participants.
First Aid
The Blue Diamond Volunteer Fire Department Emergency Medical Responders will be available in the event of an emergency. The fire truck will be located central to the bike and run course on the corner of Cerrito and Lassen. Event staff will be familiar with the location of the First Aid kit, Emergency Medical Responders, and Lifeguards.
Prescription eyewear must be removed for the swim. There will be a volunteer available to hold the glasses. Athletes who choose to wear non-prescription sunglasses during the bike and run should consider a headband but it is not mandatory.
It is vital that your child consume water to prevent dehydration. There will be water available before, on the course, and following the event. It is suggested that you place a full water bottle in your child’s transition area and remind him/her to drink during transition. They also should be reminded to drink at the aid station and following the event. There will be an aid station every mile on the bike course and every half-mile on the run course. It will be stocked with water and Gatorade. Any child showing signs of dehydration should be brought to the Medical Area at the Fire Truck.